- Earth
- Water
- Fire
- Space
- Australia: Nabers / Green Star
- Brazil: AQUA / LEED BraSil
- Canada: LEED Canada / Green Globes / Built Green Canada
- China: GBAS
- Finland: Promise
- France: HQE
- Germany: DGNB / CEPHEUS
- Hong Kong: HKBEAM
- India: Indian
Green Building Council (IGBC)
- Indonesia: Green Building Council Indonesia
(GBCI) / Green ship
- Italy: Protocollo Itaca / Green Building Council Italia
- Japan: CASBEE
- Korea: KGBC
- Malaysia: GBI Malaysia
- Mexico: LEED Mexico
- Netherlands: BREEAM Netherlands
- New Zealand: Green Star NZ
- Philippines: BERDE / Philippine Green Building Council
- Portugal: Lider A
- Republic of China (Taiwan): Green
Building Label
- Singapore: Green
- South Africa: Green Star SA
- Spain: VERDE
- Switzerland: Minergie
- United States: LEED / Living Building Challenge / Green Globes / Build it Green / NAHB NGBS / International
Green Construction Code (IGCC) / ENERGY STAR
- United Kingdom: BREEAM
- United Arab Emirates: Estidama
- Turkey : yesilbina.com
- Vietnam: LOTUS
Rating Tools
- IAPGSA Pakistan Institute of
Architecture Pakistan Green Sustainable Architecture
"A green building is one which uses less
water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less
waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants, as compared to a
conventional building."
The green building based on 5 elements of nature
Reducing environmental impact
Green building practices aim to reduce the environmental impact of buildings, and the very first rule is, do not build in
sprawl .No matter how much grass you put on your roof, no matter how many
energy-efficient windows, you use, if you build in sprawl, you've just defeated
your purpose. Buildings account for a large amount of land. According to the
National Resources Inventory, approximately 107 million acres of land in the
United States are developed. The International Energy Agency released a
publication that estimated that existing buildings are responsible for more
than 40% of the world’s total primary energy consumption and for 24% of global
carbon dioxide emissions.
The concept of
sustainable development can be traced to the energy crisis and the environment
pollution concern in the 1970s. The green building movement in the U.S.
originated from the need and desire for more energy efficient and friendly
construction practices. There are a number of motives to building green,
including environmental, economic, and social benefits. However, modern
sustainability initiatives call for an integrated and synergistic design to
both new construction and in the retrofitting of an existing structure.
While the practices,
or technologies, employed in green building are constantly evolving and may
differ from region to region, there are fundamental principles that persist
from which the method is derived: Sitting and
Structure Design Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Materials Efficiency, Indoor Environmental
Quality Enhancement, Operations and
Maintenance Optimization, and Waste and Toxics
Reduction. The essence of green building is an
optimization of one or more of these principles. Also, with the proper
synergistic design, individual green building technologies may work together to
produce a greater cumulative effect.
Energy efficiency
buildings often include measures to reduce energy consumption – both the
embodied energy required to extract, process, transport and install building
materials and operating energy to provide services such as heating and power
for equipment.
high-performance buildings use less operating energy, embodied energy has
assumed much greater importance – and may make up as much as 30% of the overall
life cycle energy consumption. Studies such as the U.S. LCI Database
Project show buildings built primarily with wood will have a lower
embodied energy than those built primarily with brick, concrete or steel.
reduce operating energy use, high-efficiency windows and insulation in walls,
ceilings, and floors increase the efficiency of the building envelope, another
strategy, passive solar
building design, is often implemented in low-energy
homes. Designers orient windows and walls and place awnings, porches, and trees
to shade windows and roofs during the summer while maximizing solar gain in the
winter. In addition, effective window placement (day lighting)
can provide more natural light and lessen the need for electric lighting during
the day. Solar water heating further
reduces energy costs.
generation of renewable energy through solar power, wind power, hydro power, or biomass can significantly
reduce the environmental impact of the building. Power generation is generally
the most expensive feature to add to a building.
Operations and maintenance
matter how sustainable a building may have been in its design and construction,
it can only remain so if it is operated responsibly and maintained properly.
Ensuring operations and maintenance personnel are part of the project's
planning and development process will help retain the green criteria designed
at the onset of the project. Every aspect of green building is integrated
into the operations and maintenance phase of a building's life. The addition of
new green technologies also falls on the operations and maintenance staff.
Although the goal of waste reduction may be applied during the design,
construction and demolition phases of a building's life-cycle, it is in the
operations and maintenance phase that green practices such as recycling and air
quality enhancement take place.
Cost and payoff
most criticized issue about constructing environmentally friendly buildings is
the price. Photo-voltaic, new appliances, and modern technologies tend to cost
more money. Most green buildings cost a premium of <2%, but yield 10 times
as much over the entire life of the building. The stigma is between the
knowledge of up-front cost vs. life-cycle cost. The savings in money come
from more efficient use of utilities which result in decreased energy bills. It
is projected that different sectors could save $130 Billion on energy
bills. Also, higher worker or student productivity can be factored into
savings and cost deductions.
Studies have shown over a 20
year life period, some green buildings have yielded $53 to $71 per square foot
back on investment. Confirming the ratability of green building investments,
further studies of the commercial real estate market have found that LEED and
Energy Star certified buildings achieve significantly higher rents, sale prices
and occupancy rates as well as lower capitalization rates potentially
reflecting lower investment risk.
Regulation and operation
As a result of
the increased interest in green building concepts and practices, a number of
organizations have developed standards, codes and rating systems that let
government regulators, building professionals and consumers embrace green
building with confidence. In some cases, codes are written so local governments
can adopt them as bylaws to reduce the local environmental impact of buildings.
Green building
codes and standards, such as the International Code Council’s draft
International Green Construction Code, are sets of rules created by
standards development organizations that establish minimum requirements for
elements of green building such as materials or heating and cooling.
Some of the
major building environmental assessment tools currently in use include:
IPD Environment Code
The IPD Environment Code was launched in February 2008.
The Code is intended as a good practice global standard for measuring the
environmental performance of corporate buildings. Its aim is to accurately
measure and manage the environmental impacts of corporate buildings and enable
property executives to generate high quality, comparable performance
information about their buildings anywhere in the world. The Code covers a wide
range of building types and aims to inform and support the following;
§ Creating an environmental strategy
§ Inputting to real estate strategy
§ Supplier management
§ Information systems and data population
§ Compliance with regulations
§ Communicating a commitment to environmental
§ Creating performance targets
§ Environmental improvement plans
§ Performance assessment and measurement
§ Life cycle assessments
§ Acquisition and disposal of buildings
§ Team and personal objectives
IPD estimate that it will take approximately three years to gather
significant data to develop a robust set of baseline data that could be used
across a typical corporate estate.